Friendship Mark Installation Meeting – Monday 14th May 2018
This Installation meeting was graced with the presence of six Grand Officers, including W.Bro. John Bicknell, PGJD, on this occasion representing the RW PGM.  Also present was the PGM’s special Representative for the Southport, Ormskirk and Bootle group of Mark Lodge, W.Bro. Maurice Evans, PGSD.
W.Bro. John Bicknell, PGJD, Representative of the RWPGM, W.Bro. Keith Wilson, WM,
and W.Bro. Paul Ashbolt, the IPM and Installing Master
The Lodge was opened by W.Bro. John Dixon, PGJD, initially acting as WM in order to welcome into the Lodge those brethren who received Promotion or Preferment at the recent Mark Provincial Grand Lodge.  These included W.Bro. Malcolm Serjeant, ProvGSW, W.Bro. Jim Grant, PProvGJW and the WM, W.Bro. Paul Ashbolt, PProvGSD.
After taking his rightful place in the Lodge, the WM proceeded to installed Bro. Keith Wilson into the Chair of Adoniram.  During the ceremony the Installing WM was assisted by the following brethren:
Presentation of the Working Tools - W.Bro. Brian Skinner, PGStdB
Presentation of the Keystone and Charity Jewels – W.Bro. Terry Tasker, PProvGSD
Address to the WM - W.Bro. John Dixon, PGJD
Address to the Wardens – W.Bro. Kevin Chicken, PProvGReg
Address to the Overseers – W.Bro. Jim Grant, PProvGJW
Address to the Brethren – W.Bro. John Bicknell, PGJD
Back Row,
W.Bro. Alan Ward (Friendship Mark Lodge 1459 in East Lancashire)
W.Bro. John Bicknell, W.Bro. Keith Wilson, WM W.Bro. Maurice Evans ,PGM's Special Rep
W.Bro. Roy Crawford, (Fermor Mark), W.Bro. Brian Skinner
Front Row,
W.Bro. John Dixon, PGJD and W.Bro. Malcolm Serjeant, ProvGSW
There is one change of office within the Lodge that should be brought to the readers’ attention.  After several years as the DC of the Lodge, W.Bro. Malcolm Serjeant (ProvGSW) stepped down from that role; maybe he thinks he will have a busy masonic season starting in September.  We should spare a kind thought for the new team of W.Bro. Tony Johnson (DC) and W.Bro. Paul Ashbolt (ADC), who during the next season will have the Provincial Senior Warden watching over their every move.  However, I’m sure that Malcolm will offer them his full support and guidance.
Report and Photographs courtest of Alan Foster